Sunday, November 1, 2009

first days in bogota

everyone kept asking if we were excited, in the days leading up to our big move, but we were too busy with packing to even think about it.
that moment arrived, when it truly sunk in, that moment was on the actual flight to bogota when the crew was serving up the last drinks before arrival. true, we had slept very little and had even been somewhat hungover from our farewell party two nights before, nonetheless we were unanimous about ordering two colombian rums on ice. then it hit us, we teared up and realized that life was taking on a very new and unknown turn, but one we had craved for so long.

the brand new airbus got us into bogota safely and on time, we had our luggage awaiting and the taxi man escorted us promptly to our transport. all good!

once we hauled all our things up 4 flights we were ready for our first beer, so we went out to score the basic provisions and spent the rest of the day settling in.

day 2. 1.11.09, our 2 year anniversary, yes indeed! the plan was to spend as easy and fun a day as possible. this included a trip to the northern border of our neighborhood, named candelaria, to a place called egipto where there was an extraordinary farmers market.
we bought wonderful and exotic produce which was all organically grown by small farmers: chicken, fresh herbs, farmers cheese, fruits of which i cannot even begin to describe as to only say that you have not had a strawberry until you had one grown locally, organically and here! we even put in an advance order for 3 liters of raw milk, yes raw unpasturized and full of all its nutrition milk!!!
after a small rest, we headed to a restaurant named tabula in the fashionable neighborhood of macarena, which neighbors us to the north. we had been introduced to this place on an earlier visit to bogota and were floored by its great food and low key but high design aesthetic. they did not fail this time either! we ordered several of their smaller dishes which were paired by glasses of wine from chile and argentina that made me a believer! the food and the wines can easily compete if not better anything i've had in nyc... and we are serious foodies.

monday is a holiday here and we will take advantage of that to stay in and do some cooking (chicken stew of some sort... tbc)
and photos will be posted as well!